You are here: Home > Porsche > 911 > 964 ('90-'93) > B-Pillar Brace System for 964
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911 (1989-1998) B-Pillar Brace without Truss
R-1920 911 (1989-1998) B-Pillar Brace without Truss
MSRP: $1,575.30

R-1920  B-Pillar Brace System without Truss more info
911 (1989-1998)  B-Pillar Brace and Truss System
R-1921 911 (1989-1998) B-Pillar Brace and Truss System
MSRP: $2,231.67

R-1921  B- Pillar Brace Complete System more info